Friday, April 9, 2010

The Kid- Week 31-34

So this update is a little bit late, but not nearly as late as my last updates were. Considering that I am currently in week 39 right now, I feel I am making awesome progress. I might even get my updates done by the time the kid arrives (HA!). I really do want to have some record of what's going on with me, but it seems like I am on the computer all day at work, and so I don't want to be on the computer all night too. I hope to be better about it, and actually get things posted, but I guess I will have to wait and see. 

So Week 31 was a really, really busy work week. I know I say that a lot, but I really did have to pour a lot of my energy into this work week. My mom also threw a baby shower for my cousin. She is about a month ahead of me and was also due with a boy. It's her third baby, but my mom wanted to throw her a small "social" shower. It was pretty fun. I was recruited to help with food, decorations, and all that. I also crocheted her a blanket that I mentioned here. It was really cute and I learned a new stitch. YAY ME!

I also had a three hour glucose tolerance test because my sugar levels were a tiny bit concerning to my midwife. You would think that the medical profession would be kind enough to figure out another way to test a pregnant woman's blood sugar than by starving her for four hours. My wonderful MIL sat with me through the test and kept me company. I was in normal range for the first two blood draws, high for the third, and normal for the fourth. I was told to watch my sugar, but I should be fine. I must say that blood draws are horrible for me. I have only one good vein and a VERY specific way to get to it, but most of the lab techs don't listen to me. So when they were at 4 tries for the first draw, I was ready to go home. I finally got someone to listen to me for the last draws though. 

Week 32 was all about more work. I started having contractions this week too. They were not that strong or long lasting, but I wasn't quite sure how to handle them. I ended up working on my breathing a lot but I was a bit freaked out. My midwife said that they were braxton-hicks contractions and totally normal. She was thinking I would deliver early for a bit, but then decided that I would probably go all the way to my due date. I needed to start putting the kids room together, but I was still really tired. I was hoping to get the room done before the baby shower, so that I would have space to put everything, but that did not end up happening. Alas. 

Week 33 was still all about the contractions. They weren't regular and they were not terribly painful, but they were annoying. I figured out that they were much stronger if I was exhausted or had tried to do too much in a day. This week was also my nephew's birthday. I will have to explain about my nephew and his circumstance one day, but I will just say that he is my little brother's kid and was born when my brother was 15. 'Nuff said, right? Anyway, my mom doesn't get to see her grandbaby as much as she would like, but she was pretty excited about the birthday party. My mom gets the place for the party, the decorations, the cake, the party favors, pretty much everything but the food. The hubs and I helped my mom get ready for the party but Jessica (my nephew's mom) didn't show up until 20 minutes before the party was supposed to start. The entire party was just a mess. The hubs and I were both furious, but held our tongues. We are both in agreement that at least we won't be raising our kid the way that she is raising hers... Sad, but true. 

I still had grand plans to finish the kid's room this week, but scrapped them because I had no energy. The hubs kept telling me to take it easy and rest, but of course I don't listen and end up kicking myself later. Waaaaa. 

Week 34 was a really busy week, too. Work wasn't terribly busy or taxing, but I was working on preparing for the baby shower. I had pretty wicked contractions this week, so I ended up resting a lot. I finally started gaining weight, but I was tired. My mom organized my shower, and my aunt was nice enough to host, so I was really looking forward to hanging out with some friends. My mom let me pick the menu for the shower so I had safe, gluten free, healthy food. Chicken salad lettuce wraps (and sammies for the gluten eaters), veggies, fruit, and punch. We also only played ONE baby shower game. It was a memory game and was a huge hit. Everyone said they liked it much better than the "poo in a diaper" game or the "baby food" game. I opened presents and and I actually loved everything I received. I got a whole lot of the gerber prefold cloth diapers and no disposables. I know they aren't the best cloth diaper, but I am confident they will work until I can build up a good cloth diaper stash. I was surprised that so many people showed up and that I got so much stuff. I felt loved and realized that the kid will probably be quite spoiled!

In upcoming editions: Weeks 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and beyond??? My thoughts on Jamie Oliver, more work, more contractions, my separated ribs (JK), my hospital visit where NO ONE LISTENED and more midwife visits and sugar drama...

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